Thursday, May 12, 2011


Sixteen years ago, today, my dad passed. I like to say passed, because I think it serves as a better description. Our soul or spirit passes into another phase of life. The body dies, the spirit lives on forever. To be later resurrected like Jesus was. In some ways, we follow his example without even trying.

A funny thing happened, though, sixteen years ago. We went to the funeral with our one year old daughter. All the people were sitting in folding chairs in the center of a large room. In the front was the casket. The sides of the room had couches and chairs and tables and lamps. I sat in the front row with immediate family, and Don sat back a few rows with Kelly. Sometime during the service, she pointed to one of the couches and waved.

I'm not sure who Kelly saw that day. I watched her for awhile afterward, to make sure she didn't go around waving at inanimate objects. She didn't. I like to think she was waving to grandpa. I know he loved her alot, and would have been there if he could.

1 comment:

Slim said...

I had my back turned & I could hear Kelly going "Hi....hi...hi," over & over & saw her waving to someone but didn't think too much of it & forgot about it for ages until you guys reminded us all that had happened. I think she was waving at Grandpa too!
