Thursday, October 20, 2011

All things must pass

I got released from my calling on Sunday. The last time I didn't have a calling was before Kelly was born. Not that I think they won't give me something else soon. And I actually have quite a bit to get up to date for the next person. So...I have things to do.

But there's this strange, kind of empty feeling. A sort of melancholy. I almost felt like it was part of me, now I don't know who I am. Silly, I know.

I liked being in Primary and being the secretary. I like the kids. I like my job to have variety. I like to organize. It was an almost perfect call for me.

And there's something more. A little bit of sadness for the closeness I shared with the people I worked with. We will drift apart and never quite be the same. One of us will be moving away. The next time I see those kids' faces, I won't even recognize them. Well, maybe if we become Facebook friends.

It just reminded me of that song from the Carol Burnett show. I'm so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh, or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it, comes the time we have to say so long.

Four months later: I don't know just how much God directs our paths, but I realize this release was a blessing in disguise. A few weeks later, when Bob died, I was free to be a help to my family who needed me.

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