Friday, March 18, 2022

Nori's BBQ Salt Recipe

 I thought this recipe was lost. My mother-in-law gave me a big shaker bottle of it many years ago. I especially liked it on chicken breast with bone and skin. I cooked it in the oven with just this seasoning so the skin would turn out crispy. Mother-in-law passed away a few years ago and I hadn't seen this recipe, until yesterday when I was looking at an old cookbook. This was on a post-it on one of the first pages. 


5 parts salt

5 parts season salt

1 part coarse ground pepper (double - I like more)

1/4 part Accent

1/2 part garlic powder

1/2 part Bon Appetit

I'm pretty sure they don't make Bon Appetit anymore. But here's a replacement: 1 Tbsp celery salt; 1 Tbsp sugar; 1 tsp onion powder. 

She made a little note at the bottom that reads: 5 times fills bottles.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Vile words

While trying to read inspirational quotes on Pinterest, I was accosted with another unneccessary F-bomb.  Everytime I read or hear one, it's like a slap in the face.  I've heard it said that this language is the product of a lazy mind.  Someone who says it over and over, rather than finding other words which would actually better express the thought.  And, while slaps rather sting, I hope I never get used to it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nursing Homes

My sister went into a nursing home yesterday.  She has dementia.  Early onset dementia.  She's only 62, and so advanced in this disease that she can no longer be on her own without supervision.  Like so many other diseases, they don't know what causes it.  

Right now, our attention goes to her.  Is she being treated kindly?  Is she combative to the people trying to take care of her?  Is she scared or lonely?  If I had the ability, I'd like to go there and take care of her myself.  

Her family was gathering some family photos, in the hope that it would help her memory.  I think all the little things will help.  I watched videos on facebook that showed people with dementia and how they reacted to music and animals.  And thankfully, this nursing home has both these therapies in place.  

Later on, our attention will go to avoiding this disease ourselves. I've read the basic things like protect your head from injury, exercise, eat right.  And do things to stimulate your brain, like learning a new language, musical instrument, or even trying a new recipe.

It would be nice if a new treatment would be found in the near future.  Something that would bring her back to her former self.  Miracles do happen.  I also know that this life is full of trials and tests and sometimes it's just really, really hard.  I know the Lord loves us all.  I know He will bless us beyond our vision and scope. It may not happen during this earthly life, but it will happen.   

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More drama from the farm

The neighbor from Heck strikes again.  Aside from catching our pasture and fencing on fire, he claimed our fence was built on his land.  He actually said Don removed the pins that marked the property lines.  Now the buyers want us to pay for the burned fence.  And the title company won't finalize the sale when there's a property line dispute.  So we'll be paying for a land survey.  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kelly's Going Away Party

July 2013.  Right after Cassie's baptism, we had Kelly's going away party.  And by right after, I mean that same evening.  Family, and friends, and ward members came to say good-bye.  We had a very busy month.  There was shopping for mission clothes.  Doctors and dentists.  Haircuts.  Missionary discussions with Cassie and the Elders.  Preparing food for the party.  It was busy, but fun.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cassie's Baptism

July 2013.  My daughter's friend Cassie was baptized just before Kelly left on her mission.  Now we have two daughters.  They have been friends since 4th grade, when we moved to this area.

Above:  Cassie and her mom Heather.  Below:  Cassie and her grandma Pat, mom, and cousins.

Elders, Kelly, Cassie and PJ doing the Bear.  (something 
they used in teaching the ten commandments.  Do
Not Bear False Witness)