Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Daniel C. Peterson Article

Nori, my mom-in-law, always brings me her Church News and Mormon Times after she's read them. I like everything in them so much that my stack of papers keeps growing and growing. I had decided to whittle it down today. And what do you know, I wanted to save every article that I read. More than one even brought tears to my eyes. I think these writers are some of the best.

Daniel C. Peterson, I'll admit it, writes a little over my head. Okay, a lot over my head. But even I was able to enjoy this. He says in an article published in Mormon Times on February 19, 2011:

I'm reminded of a warped version of Jesus' exchange with his disciples on the road to Caesarea Philippi: "Whom do men say that I am?" he asked. And Peter replied, "Thou are the second hypostasis of the incomprehensible metaphysical Trinity, a hypostatic union of unconfused but coexisting deity and humanity, consubstantial with the Father, a separate person but, onto-logically speaking, the same transtemporal being." And Jesus said unto him, "What?"

This made me laugh out loud. And even better, it made me feel smarter to type it into a computer that also didn't understand or recognize many of these words. You should see the red underlines I'm looking at!

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