Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fasting for Body and Spirit

When I was younger, I used to work in a bank in the St. Louis area. I once had a conversation with another teller about fasting, probably after mentioning Fast Sunday. It went like this:

Her: That's bad for you.
Me: No, that's good for you.
Her: No, it's bad.
Me: No, it's good.
[I'm not sure how long this phase went on.]
Her: Your body needs vitamins.
Me: Your body stores vitamins.
[I might have spoken out of turn here.]
Me: It talks about fasting in the Bible.
Her: That means eating a small breakfast and lunch and regular supper and no snacks.

I think at this point I didn't know what to say. I wondered where she came up with this definition. Is that in the Bible, I wondered. Maybe I should study more before I have to eat my words. I suppose that's what her church taught. I decided I needed some education about the subject. So that night I went to the library and checked out some books on fasting.

One book was quite informative. It told how people anciently would fast as a way of healing themselves of various illnesses and diseases. When the body is not occupied with digesting food, it can rest and recuperate. Toxins are released. Some of these fasts were for an extended period of time, but I'm only concerned in doing a 24 hour fast.

I also wanted to read any scriptures I could find on the subject. In Matthew chapter 15, we read where Jesus didn't want to send the multitudes away fasting, lest they should faint in the way. I seriously think I could walk home if I was allowed a light breakfast and lunch and regular dinner.

In Matthew chapter 17, there's an interesting story. The disciples tried to cure a child and failed. Jesus came and cast out the devil. He spoke to the disciples about faith and then said, "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." So, combining prayer and fasting gives a certain spiritual power. Something that couldn't be accomplished by prayer alone, could be accomplished by adding fasting to the formula. If a person were trying hard to overcome something, say dishonesty, fasting might give him the extra help he needs.

I like these lines of a poem by Carol Lynn Pearson. "...good rest for my body, good exercise for my soul."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Honey for your Brain

Just read this yesterday on : Honey is the only food that contains 'pinocembrin', an antioxidant associated with improved brain functioning. I've already been eating local honey for my allergies. I thought they were better this year. But that could have been from losing the willow tree that was right next to the house. Not sure.

My daughter informed me that my nutrition based blogs are boring. So says the seventeen year old who has not yet noticed the mental decline of age. I also, being one who does a little genealogy, and seen the word senility on many an ancestor's death certificate, appreciate all the help I can get!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dr. Mark Hyman on Dementia

Dr. Mark Hyman has written an article about reversing dementia. I first saw this after finding out the second person in my immediate family had this diagnosis. What a sense of gratitude/elation/joy filled me at thinking this diagnosis didn't have to be a life or death sentence. He says:

"Start by looking hard for correctable causes of memory loss. They include:
  • Pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome
  • Low thyroid function
  • Depression
  • Deficiencies in B vitamins, especially vitamin B12
  • Omega-3 fat deficiencies
  • Mercury or other heavy metal toxicity
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • High cholesterol
  • Unique genes that predispose you to nutritional or detoxification problems"

Read the article. I've just given the basics. Some of these things are very easy, like taking a pill. Others may take more work and more time, but what a blessing to be able to reverse this disease. I would start with taking sublingual B12, vitamin D, and fish oil. A lot of things can be improved with a healthy diet and exercise. That reminds me-I need to put B12 on my grocery list!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Spitz's Lemon Bath

Spitz, my gray and white cat, is looking a little mangy. By that I mean she has a few little spots of bare on her back. I looked up mange and found it's caused by a mite. Sweetie, the black cat, had something like this a year or so ago. I made and treated her with a lemon bath. I am not a fan of using poisons, and also not a fan of spending a lot of money. She started looking better right away.

Lemon bath: slice lemon with peel still on. Boil water, and remove from heat. Add lemon slices and steep overnight. Sponge onto pet's coat.

You don't really expect a cat to enjoy a bath. I don't know that I'd say Sweetie enjoyed it, but she seemed okay with it. I sat on the patio and placed her on my lap. I took an old sock on my hand and dipped it in the lemon water and petted her with it. I kept this up until she was quite soaked, as were my jeans, but that's okay. You might think a swim suit would be smart, but not if your cat has claws! But that was Sweetie. Now Spitz needs it and I don't know how this will go...

Update: All went well. She meowed a lot and tried to get away. I got my shirt drenched by trying to hug her to keep her on my lap. She's a sweet cat who didn't bite or scratch. I think she's very happy to have it over with! And there is now fur growing back in those bare places. :) [I never made a smiley face with italics before. Looks a little sauced.]

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Family Reunion

The family reunion was in our town this year. Usually it's held in Joe's Valley in Utah. But this year, right here on our little farm. Well, part of the reunion.
Mom-in-law went all out, as she usually does. She comes from a different generation where their work ethic is something else. She's at least twenty years older than me, but I don't manage to do half of what she does. For the family reunion, we painted her kitchen, living room, re-landscaped her front yard and also did some work in the backyard. Everything in the house was taken down from it's spot and cleaned. She even came over and cleaned my garage. Granted a lot of the things in there were theirs, but I still have a feeling I should be ashamed of myself.
She planned three meals for around forty people, but one of the meals fell through. She was disappointed but I was relieved, my back and feet were killing me. Her meals are not a little light fare, but something of a smorgasbord.
Some of the family from out west are talking about coming out here next year. I know it's a lot of work, but it was really nice getting to know them a little. I personally would change menus to make it easier. That's what I've been saying to my sisters for years. If we had a more simple meal, we would have more time for fun. But I know Mom. And she'll want a big to-do. And that's just fine. There's always ibuprofen.