Saturday, July 16, 2011

Honey for your Brain

Just read this yesterday on : Honey is the only food that contains 'pinocembrin', an antioxidant associated with improved brain functioning. I've already been eating local honey for my allergies. I thought they were better this year. But that could have been from losing the willow tree that was right next to the house. Not sure.

My daughter informed me that my nutrition based blogs are boring. So says the seventeen year old who has not yet noticed the mental decline of age. I also, being one who does a little genealogy, and seen the word senility on many an ancestor's death certificate, appreciate all the help I can get!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I never said YOURS were. I said they were in GENERAL. =) And they are sometimes interesting, when they pertain to something I need to know. lol.