Thursday, July 7, 2011

Spitz's Lemon Bath

Spitz, my gray and white cat, is looking a little mangy. By that I mean she has a few little spots of bare on her back. I looked up mange and found it's caused by a mite. Sweetie, the black cat, had something like this a year or so ago. I made and treated her with a lemon bath. I am not a fan of using poisons, and also not a fan of spending a lot of money. She started looking better right away.

Lemon bath: slice lemon with peel still on. Boil water, and remove from heat. Add lemon slices and steep overnight. Sponge onto pet's coat.

You don't really expect a cat to enjoy a bath. I don't know that I'd say Sweetie enjoyed it, but she seemed okay with it. I sat on the patio and placed her on my lap. I took an old sock on my hand and dipped it in the lemon water and petted her with it. I kept this up until she was quite soaked, as were my jeans, but that's okay. You might think a swim suit would be smart, but not if your cat has claws! But that was Sweetie. Now Spitz needs it and I don't know how this will go...

Update: All went well. She meowed a lot and tried to get away. I got my shirt drenched by trying to hug her to keep her on my lap. She's a sweet cat who didn't bite or scratch. I think she's very happy to have it over with! And there is now fur growing back in those bare places. :) [I never made a smiley face with italics before. Looks a little sauced.]

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